Reduce your fossil-fuel powered, wasteful, unsustainable, and polluting activities by 50%.
Get active to force your government into a true climate emergency mode! Country-wide emissions need to be reduced by 50% by 2030.
“Without inner change, there can be no outer change. Without collective change, no change matters.” (Angel Kyodo Williams)
A 1.5 degree Celsius warmer planet could be bearable, but in early 2023 we have very likely passed achieving this goal. Climate change of 2.0 C will bring unprecedented global suffering to many and 3.0+ C of warming has unimaginable consequences for all living beings. The scientific evidence is clear.
Now is the time for every single one of us to act – to avoid suffering and pain for our children and future generations. You need to do your part! We collectively need to do our part!
The minusfiftypercent recipe:
(1) Reduce all your fossil-fuel powered, wasteful, unsustainable, polluting and socially damaging activities by fifty percent. Start Today!
(2) get active to force your government into a true climate emergency mode, to reduce nation-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030!
minusfiftypercent it!
“Do we really want to be remembered as the generation that buried its head in the sand, that fiddled while the planet burned?”
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres @ UN climate change conference (COP25) in Madrid, Dec 2nd, 2019: LINK
Each global citizen has a per capita consumption emissions target of 2.1 tons of CO2 by 2030 to limit warming to 1.5°C. The 2019 world average was 4.7 tons CO2/capita.
Current per capita emission levels (tons CO2): Australia 17.1; USA 16.1; Canada 15.4; EU 6.6; India 1.9

Rethink Travel
Fossil fuel-driven travel by car, truck, plane or boat (incl. ATVs, Jet skis, dirt bikes)

Rethink Food
Red meat, high environmental impact & junk food, food waste

Rethink Consumerism
All new goods (clothes, electronics), single use (plastic), online purchases

Rethink Social Transformation
Nature deprivation, stress, screen time, addictive behaviors, money/debt, education

Rethink Climate Activism
Governments need to be forced to enter the Climate Emergency Mode