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minusfiftypercent – individual climate action

It is time for our individual action to impact Climate Change

Are you worried about the impact of Climate Change? Are you feeling lost at what to do and where to start? Are you angry at governments and industries for not taking climate change seriously and initiating significant changes?

Join minusfiftypercent, the Individual Climate Action Movement.

The climate science is clear: do nothing and cope with a disastrous 3.2+ C global average temperature increase, with unimaginable suffering for all living beings. Take serious action now and perhaps we can limit the temperature increase to 2.0 C, still causing severely painful consequences for many. The window for reaching the 2016 Paris Climate Agreement goal of 1.5 C has likely already closed. This is where we are at.

As governments and industries are unable or unwilling to act now, also magnified by the COVID-19 pandemic, the time for big, disruptive, grassroots, people-driven action has come; at a rate of minusfiftypercent. 

It is our personal choice to participate. It is absolutely free, yet has a cost. The mountainous cost of changing habits, giving up conveniences, leaving comfort zones and putting our money where our heart is. Is our own current pain, the pain observed in others and the predicted future suffering, inflicted by a 2.0+ Celsius degree warmer planet, enough motivation to make substantial changes to our own lives? Are we willing?

You may not be personally touched by climate change yet but in the end it will be all of us, either directly affected by fire, water (flooding or droughts), storms, loss of food or homes or indirectly by mass-migration to places of greener pastures. Social upheaval, conflicts and wars will be natural outcomes of these scenarios. 

To turn climate change around, for our children, grand-children and all future generations, every single person needs to change. We need to reduce all our individual fossil-fuel powered, wasteful, unsustainable, polluting and socially damaging activities by fifty percent, starting today! And in parallel, we need to actively force our governments into a real climate emergency mode, to reduce emissions by 50% by 2030.

Where to start our own journey? Travel (driving, flying, recreation), energy consumption (heating/cooling, hydro), food (meat, environmental impact, junk food, waste), consumerism (all new purchases, online purchases, single use plastic, garbage, the endless need for more),  and social transformation (debt, technology, social media, ignorance towards nature, addictions), activism (climate rallies, letter writing, direct peaceful action). Reduce our and country-wide emissions by 50%.

There are mountainous opportunities in the minusfiftypercent approach for all of us: re-building community, green economy opportunities, nature connection, reduced expenses/cost savings, and improved overall health, including mental health.

minusfiftypercent is an invitation towards a sustainable future, environmentally and socially. minusfiftypercent is about your personal choices and actions. 

minusfiftypercent is the needed rate of change – start now!

SUMMARY – pdf version for download